「 清明節英文 、 重陽節英文 」介紹中華傳統節慶必備單字!
「 清明節英文 、 重陽節英文 」到底是什麼,馬上揭曉。想要和老外介紹華人的傳統節慶卻不知如何開口?還在用羅馬拼音加上台式英文告訴外國朋友清明節英文是 Ching Ming Festival 或是重陽節英文是 Chongyang Jie Festival嗎?別再讓老外聽得霧煞煞,搞不懂清明節和重陽節到底要幹嘛?
這一天我們的傳統習俗是要掃祖先的墳墓,因此 清明節英文 ,被翻譯成掃墓節,也算是清明節中象徵性的行程,雖然是節慶,但這邊要注意清明節英文並不是用 festival 而是 day喔!
*tomb 墳墓,陵墓,塚 / sweep 打掃,清掃,掃除
清明節掃墓可不是只要打掃、整理墳墓周遭環境而已,擺放祭品、焚燒紙錢、上香拜拜等等,都是清明節掃墓的基本作業流程喔!那麼做這些事的英文怎麼說呢?要怎麼跟老外解釋呢?繼續看下去 清明節英文 全破解!
People honor their ancestors with offerings of food, drinks, and fruits on Tomb Sweeping Day. Besides, we light incense and burn praying cash for our ancestors as their currency in the Underworld.
每年農曆九月九號為重陽節,英文直接翻譯成 The Double Ninth Festival 雙九節。知道了重陽節英文之後,接著就是和外國人介紹重陽節要做什麼了。想學會 重陽節英文 趕快看下去!
The 9th day of the 9th lunar month is the Double Ninth Festival with the customs of climbing a mountain, carrying a spray of dogwood and drinking chrysanthemum wine. People often go sightseeing this day to expel bad luck and disasters. Besides, climbing mounting also indicates ‘‘climbing to a higher position’’.
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