「 小說英文 」「 漫畫英文 」是什麼?
喜歡看書,卻不知道 小說英文 、 漫畫英文 是什麼嗎?無倫你是文青或是瘋狂漫畫愛好御宅族,想要跟外國人聊天,談興趣喜好,卻不知道怎麼表達小說、漫畫英文嗎?學會漫畫、小說英文,看這篇就沒錯啦!
首先,我們必須先知道novel這個字概括所有的小說,但其中分為fiction虛構, non-fiction非虛構小說,最大的差異在於fiction為講述虛構人事物的小說,若為真實人物的故事,例如人物傳記,就不能用fiction這個字,反之,科幻小說等等,就是用fiction這個字。
-a long printed story about imaginary characters and events
Have you read any of Jane Austen’s novels?
平裝小說 / 精裝小說
His latest novel will be published in hardback later this month.
noun. 小說
-the type of book or story that is written about imaginary characters and events and not based on real people and facts
The book is a work of fiction and not intended as a historical account.
noun. 連環畫雜誌,漫畫雜誌
-a magazine or book that contains a set of stories told in pictures with a small amount of writing
noun. 連環畫雜誌,漫畫雜誌
-a magazine or book that contains a set of stories told in pictures with a small amount of writing
Dad read the front page while the kids read the comics.
-a drawing, especially in a newspaper or magazine, that tells a joke or makes a humorous political criticism
He’s the creator of a successful cartoon series.
noun. 日本漫畫,日本動畫
-Japanese comic books that tell stories in pictures
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